How to track view impressions in a Jetpack Compose Lazy Column


If you have ever shipped a feature with a scrolling list, a product manager will usually ask you to track when an item in that list is viewed by the user. With Jetpack Compose being somewhat new, I was curious how to solve this problem with respect to a LazyColumn so let’s learn how to know the second eyeballs see items as they scroll into view!

Build the UI

The data model for the list will be a very simple data class that has a key property which will be important for use with the LazyColumn to know exactly which items are coming into view. The key can technically be Any type, the important thing is to ensure there is an equals method on whatever type you choose so for simplicity in this example we will make it a String.

data class Person(val key: String, val name: String)

To start off building the UI for this sample, we will start with a LazyColumn lifting the LazyListState up as this will become important later to calculate exactly which items are scrolling into view. The other important callout here is declaring the key for the items in the LazyColumn by passing in the key property on a Person discussed earlier. Finally, pass the lazy list state down into each item in the list.

fun ListView(
    people: List<Person>,
    onDeleteClicked: (Person) -> Unit,
    onItemViewed: (Person) -> Unit
) {
    val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState() // lift the lazy list state
    LazyColumn(state = lazyListState) {
        items(people.size, key = { people[it].key }) { // declare the key for item
            val person = people[it]
            PersonRow(lazyListState, person, onDeleteClicked, onItemViewed) // pass lazy list state into item

Now looking at the PersonRow composable, we will make use of an ItemImpression composable passing in the lazy list state as this will be where the logic for knowing when this item was scrolled into view.

fun PersonRow(lazyListState: LazyListState, person: Person, onDeleteClicked: (Person) -> Unit, onItemViewed: (Person) -> Unit) {
    ItemImpression(key = person.key, lazyListState = lazyListState) {
    // omitted UI code for row 

Now the ItemImpression composable technically doesn’t have any UI related code in it as its really just concerned with determining when a specific key has scrolled into view of the LazyListState. However, we will make use of derivedStateOf in Compose to ensure that the isItemWithKeyInView is calculated when the state of the lazyListState changes, but will only cause recomposition when the value of the derived state changes. Then the LaunchedEffect will fire exactly one time since Unit is being passed in as the key which notifies when the item was viewed.

fun ItemImpression(key: Any, lazyListState: LazyListState, onItemViewed: () -> Unit) {
    val isItemWithKeyInView by remember {
        derivedStateOf {
                .any { it.key == key }
    if (isItemWithKeyInView) {
        LaunchedEffect(Unit) { onItemViewed() }

Analytics Tracker

With the compose code written so far, this will notify when an item is scrolled into view. However, it will notify when an item is not just scrolled from the bottom into view but also being scrolled back into view from the top. Most product managers probably only care to know that an item was viewed once, which is pretty easy to ensure by making use of a HashSet and checking if that key exists in the HashSet before determining if the impression analytics event should be fired.

class AnalyticsTracker {

    private val recordedPeople = hashSetOf<String>()

    fun onPersonViewed(person: Person) {
        if (recordedPeople.contains(person.key)) return
        Log.d("Item Impression", person.toString())


One of the last things to glue everything together is making a ViewModel to delegate events to the tracker for view impressions of items and manage the state of the list. Note for simplicity the tracker is just instantiated in the ViewModel, in a production project one would inject this dependency with your dependency injection framework of choice. I didn’t want to over complicate this sample with a DI framework though.

class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {

    private val tracker = AnalyticsTracker()

    private var _state: MutableStateFlow<List<Person>> = MutableStateFlow(people)
    val state: StateFlow<List<Person>> get() = _state

    fun onDeleteClicked(person: Person) {
        _state.value = _state.value.toMutableList().also { it.remove(person) }

    fun onPersonViewed(person: Person) {

Final Outcome

That’s it! If you want to look at complete source code for this sample, it is linked in the section below. Hope this helps and don’t be afraid to leave a comment!
